I woke up sick, I have a strong cold. I went to the first workshop of the day and it was fine. The children were very receptive and the activity was well done. After this, we talked (the operator, the teacher and me) about the topics of the meeting of tomorrow with the people from the IOM. I took a nap after lunch, I felt really bad, the weather has changed and it’s raining too much.
I went to the workshop in the afternoon, and again, the dynamic with the adult was very interesting. The teenagers were accessible as well as the elder but I feel that the teacher has to be aware of every moment of the session in order to clarify or make more easy to the guys, the understanding of some technical issues of what the adult says. At the moment, the transference of memories and life stories under informal chats are very poor. This is because the intergenerational proposal is very new for everybody and, as in any new social relation, it is a process that has to be built and redefined with continuous interactions over time. I think, it was a good start, though.