I had a meeting with the teacher to talk about the diaries, materials and the physical space of the workshops. Since the beginning of the week, we called adults for another meeting (using flyers), in an attempt to find people more committed to the idea of the project. The meeting was set at 2 pm but nobody showed up. We have to keep trying.
At 3 pm, I went to the workshop and fortunately, there was an adult. It is the first time.
There was also people recording for a local tv channel, whose presence was exciting for the teenagers. The adult seemed nervous at the beginning. After all the theoretical part went through, and the practical exercises with the ceramic started, the communication between the youngsters and the adult became more fluid.
The role of the teacher is very important to facilitate the intergenerational transference; without that “profile” it would be very difficult to keep the dynamic and the attention of the participants. The reason of this situation derived from the fact that the voice of the elder is lower than the teacher’s and because sometimes is more comfortable (mostly when you just met the person) to establish a connection with someone young.