Finishing off the Camp 1 visit: Plu Reh and I met with the KnED (Karenni Education Department), to discuss the possibility of integrating the IAP with the school’s curriculum. I was amazed at how open to the idea they were. In both the Social Studies and Karenni History curriculum, there is mention of the ethnic songs, dances, festivals, etc. The KnED suggested linking the IAP with these subjects, so that if the youth are leaning about a certain festival, an IAP trainer can come in and teach the students a dance or song from that festival. KnED would like to integrate this across all grades, primary and secondary, so we will be meeting with the teachers to discuss this.
One issue came to mind that I would like to discuss further. That is that the integration or linkage of the IAP and the school’s curriculum, should NOT replace the Project. Rather it should enhance it. If we move the Project only into the schools, then we will have defeated the purpose of the project in the first place – empowerment to the refugees and community building. Adding it to the school’s curriculum is just an added bonus.