From 1 pm to 4:30 pm we had a technical committee, with all those involved in the project including the IOM. We discussed every aspect of the process and finally we made the commitments for the next month. It was evident that the main effort we have to make is to guarantee a frequent attendance of the children and mostly of the adults. We all agreed that the situation of the adults related with the ceramics is very particular and that’s why, despite of their consciousness of the main role they play in the transference of the tradition and their manifest interest, they are not able to acquire a compromise with the project in terms of a regular and disciplined attendance to the workshops. As a consequence of this, the whole team has to find the ways to “nourish the intergenerational process of transference, dealing with this adult’s situation.
What supports the effort, and that was maybe the biggest conclusion of the meeting, is the real necessity inside the community to recover and preserve the ceramic tradition. After few months of executing the project it is obvious that the program is in accordance with other attempts to reconstruct the social network through ceramics.