The workshop in the morning was all right but the attendance was lower than usual. We inquired about what was the reason of this, and the children told us that some other children just doesn’t like to wake up early and that’s why they rather stay at home before they go to school at noon. The answer was kind of disappointing but revealing.
After the workshop I worked with the teacher and the operator in order to end with the corrections of the past diaries. The process of making the diaries is more productive when it involves more than one person. For the teacher is hard to criticize his own work; I think it would be better if the person who fills the diaries is an observer, instead of someone directly involved in the project.
We tried to fix the lights of the workshop room before the activity of the afternoon started. We couldn’t do it but it wasn’t that bad, anyway, it has to be done before the next week. The workshop was fine and the teenagers were very excited about the activity.